5 Things a Personal Training Studio Offers that a Mainstream Gym or Boutique Group Exercise Studio Won’t

What’s the difference between “group exercise” in a small boutique studio or a big box gym and “training” in a personal training studio? We do “training”. They do “classes”.  BOOM! FIVE THINGS PERSONAL TRAINING GYMS OFFER THAT GROUP EXERCISE WON’T 1. Workout Tailored to Your Needs Yes, in a fitness studio with classes, you might …

Wait! Don’t Hit Snooze! Five Ways to Start Your Week off Right!

You wake up Monday morning to your alarm out of a sound sleep, waking once or twice throughout the night. You’ve finally gotten back to sleep and there’s that stupid alarm again. You hit snooze because you’re so tired from a weekend full of fun, late nights, some wine and/or tequila, pizza and other over-indulgences …