6 Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk to Help Avoid Stiffness

Sitting is the new smoking! Have you heard that one yet? Well, I’m not sure that is exactly true, but I would hedge a strong bet that more of our world-wide population has become much more sedentary over the past 10 – 15 years then have started smoking. Let’s not even get into the vaping debate!  UGH!   Review a …

Wait! Don’t Hit Snooze! Five Ways to Start Your Week off Right!

You wake up Monday morning to your alarm out of a sound sleep, waking once or twice throughout the night. You’ve finally gotten back to sleep and there’s that stupid alarm again. You hit snooze because you’re so tired from a weekend full of fun, late nights, some wine and/or tequila, pizza and other over-indulgences …